Xero Integration
Xero's direct bank feeds seamlessly import transaction data directly from the bank account into Xero each day eliminating the need for clients to continually provide Accountants bank statements.
Xero helps simply and automate manual accountancy tasks and if the bank account is Starling, the moment you spend on your card is the same moment that it appears in your accounts.
Whilst acting as a remarkable collaboration tool that assists your business to achieve more from your liaison with a Xero accountant, switching to an accountant that welcomes this software has got its own potential to make far-reaching changes in the productivity of your organisation.
At Jaccountancy we’ve seen the difference that Xero can have on SME’s. It isn’t just your bog-standard accounting software – in fact, it’s an entirely new way of working that offers guidance and prised suggestions that your business needs to move forward in order to grow.